WordPress搜索统计插件 Search Meter(已汉化)免费下载

2020年4月13日21:52:12 发表评论




今天讲文兄推荐一款简单的WordPress搜索统计插件:Search Meter,你将可以看到用户在你的网站上搜索了哪些关键词,以及每个关键词返回的结果数。这样就可以针对用户的需求来发布相应的内容。

注意:Search Meter 仅统计用户在你网站使用WordPress自带搜索功能的记录。并不会去统计百度、google的搜索记录。

Search Meter 的设置界面,在 设置 - Search Meter 链接进入:
WordPress搜索统计插件 Search Meter(已汉化)免费下载

在 仪表盘 - Search Meter,可以查看最近的搜索概况:
WordPress搜索统计插件 Search Meter(已汉化)免费下载

Search Meter 下载地址1:http://wp101.net/plugins/search-meter/


已经该插件汉化,点击下载简体中文包,解压后,将里面的.mo和.po格式的文件上传到 /wp-content/languages/plugins 目录即可生效。



If you have a Search box on your blog, Search Meter automatically records what people are searching for — and whether they are finding what they are looking for. Search Meter’s admin interface shows you what people have been searching for in the last couple of days, and in the last week or month. It also shows you which searches have been unsuccessful. If people search your blog and get no results, they’ll probably go elsewhere. With Search Meter, you’ll be able to find out what people are searching for, and give them what they want by creating new posts on those topics.

You can also show your readers what the most popular searches are. The Popular Searches widget displays a configurable list of recent popular successful search terms on your blog, with each term hyperlinked to the actual search results. There’s also a Recent Searches widget, which simply displays the most recent searches. If you are happy to edit your theme, both of these functions are also available as template tags.

Search Meter installs easily and requires no configuration. Just install it, activate it, and it starts tracking your visitors’ searches.


To see your search statistics, Log in to WordPress Admin. On your dashboard you will see a Search Meter widget listing search statistics from the last seven days. For more details, go to the Dashboard menu on the left and click Search Meter. You’ll see the most popular searches in the last day, week and month. Click “Last 100 Searches” or “Last 500 Searches” to see lists of all recent searches. You can download the statistics as a file that you can open in Excel or a similar program.


There are a few options available if you go to the Settings section and click Search Meter. Use the radio buttons to determine who will be allowed to see the full search statistics. You can also type in a list of filter words; any search terms containing these words will not show up in the Recent Searches and Popular Searches widgets.

Advanced users: You can check the “Ignore” box to tell Search Meter to ignore searches made by logged-in administrators, so you can test things without cluttering your search statistics. You can also check the “Keep detailed information” checkbox to make Search Meter save technical information about every search (the information is taken from the HTTP headers).

Use the Reset Statistics button to clear all past search statistics; Search Meter will immediately start gathering fresh statistics.



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: